Pierre-Alexandre DEGEHET

Arbitrator, Counsel

Luxembourg (LU)


English, French

Practice area

  • Contract Law
  • Corporate Law
  • Finance and Banking
  • Information Technology
  • Joint Ventures / Consortia / Shareholder Agreements
  • Mergers and Acquisitions
  • Metals and Mining
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Sport


Educational/ Current position / Professional Experience


  • Katholieke Universiteit Brabant Tilburg, the Netherlands, LL.M., 1996.
  • Université Catholique de Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, Licence en droit (Bachelor in Law), 1995.
  • Faculté Universitaire Notre-Dame de la Paix, Namur, Belgium, Candidature en droit, 1992.

Bar Admission:

Luxembourg Bar, 1997

Current position:

Corporate M&A, Capital Market, Banking & Finance and Fintech – Head of French desk

Professional memberships:

  • European Confederation of Directors’ Associations (ecoDa)
  • International Bar Association (IBA)
  • Institut Luxembourgeois des Administrateurs (ILA) (member of the legal & regulatory committee)
  • Capital Market Association

Professional Experience (mediation)

Acted more recently as mediator in two cases of dispute between families own businesses: ad hoc rules.

Arbitration Experience

As in-house senior legal counsel at Arcelor (2002-2006):

  • assisted in 6 international arbitrations under the ICC and CEPANI rules
  • assisted in 4 ad hoc/domestic proceedings

As counsel (2008 – 2011 – 2015):

  • represented 14 parties in ad hoc/institutional/international arbitrations relating to shareholders’ disputes

Publications and Speaking Engagements

Speaking engagements:

  • La réforme du droit belge des sociétés: un exemple à suivre pour le Luxembourg ? (UNI.LU) – 2020
  • Actualités et réformes en matière de droit des sociétés – 2019
  • Séminaire IFE | Panorama du droit des sociétés européen et Luxembourgeois – 2019
  • Le groupe de sociétés au Luxembourg – 2018
  • Conférence Droit des actionnaires – 2018 + 2022 + 2023
  • Réforme en droit des sociétés | Enjeux et opportunités : 2017
  • Actionnaires : droits et obligations – 2015

Publications engagements : (list available upon request)

  • Participated in the first working group establishing the X principles of the corporate governance of the LSE
  • Chambers Legal Practice Guide: Corporate M&A 2015

Practice areas